A Bones Mission Team from Japan arrived yesterday in the Solomon Islands, to follow up on information on the remains of Japanese soldiers who fought in the country during the WWII.
Solomon Times was informed that the visit to the country is an annual program for the Japanese team.The yearly exercise began in 1952 and since then, the team has been making annual visits to the country to excavate the remains of their soldiers and also do their research on WWII.
The team is currently coordinated by Mr. Francis Deve, a local, who works at the Solomon Kitano Mendana Hotel.
Mr. Deve has been assisting the team for the past 23 years on their missions to the Solomon Islands. Besides coordinating the visit of the team he also helps to collect remains of the soldiers at the identified battle fields.
The Bones Mission Team left Honiara this morning for Munda, Western Province and will also make few provincial tours upon their return.