Japan Expands Health Service in West Kwara'e

The Areo community in West Kwara'e, Malaita province, were lucky recipients of a health clinic thanks to the kind assistance of the government of Japan.

The clinic was funded under the Japanese governments Grassroots and Human security project to Solomon Islands.

Chie Wakita, the Japanese Embassy Grassroots project coordinator in Honiara, officially handed over the project to the community at an official ceremony this yesterday morning.

Ms Wakita said the completion of the health centre will assist residents of the area to have easy access to medical care in their own community.

She said the assistance is an expression of genuine friendship and goodwill from the people of Japan who have always been appreciative of the long cordial relationship between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the Japanese Embassy says another community in West Kwara'e will tomorrow take delivery of a water supply project, also donated by the Government of Japan.

The Ankara community water supply project was also funded under the Japanese Grassroots and Human Security programme at the cost of two hundred and twenty six thousand dollars.

The Embassy's Chie Wakita said she was happy that the community will now have access to clean drinking water piped to the village under the project.

She said providing access to clean drinking water for a healthier living is one of the priorities of Japanese funding assistance to Solomon islands.