Isabel Province Threatens to Revoke Logging Licenses

According to Radio New Zealand International, the Government of Isabel Province has been threatening to cancel the business licenses of logging companies in Isabel, if their outstanding debts are not settled.

According to the Provincial Treasurer, Patteson Devi, the Isabel Government have engaged the legal firm, Pacific Lawyers, to pursue this matter with the logging companies who owe the Province USD$1.5 Million. Parts of that debt had been dated back to 2004.

The Province has issued a notice through the media for the companies concerned to justify why their license should not be cancelled.

The notice also stated the Province will refuse, cancel and revoke all business licenses issued to all businesses and companies operating and carrying out felling of logs and timbers for export the Province.

The Province says that non payment of business licenses by the loggers has adversely affected the delivery of essential services such as that of education and health to the Province of Isabel.