Investigation into RAMSI Crash Continues

It has been revealed that a total of 70 people have been interviewed regarding the crash by two Samoan RAMSI Officers.

The crash resulted in the death of a 26 year old female nurse.

It was revealed that the investigation is still on going, with assistance from a New Zealand expert.

Police Commissioner, Peter Marshall, said that even though the police are doing the investigations, the case is still with the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Commissioner Marshall continued to state that the two Samoan officers involved in the accident are still awaiting the charges.

"One of the officer is still at the RAMSI camp at GBR and the other one is in Australia. Any decision regarding the charges will be made by the Director of Public Prosecutions," Commissioner Marshall added.

The investigation is still underway while the Police await samples in relation to the crash, to arrive from Australia.