Investigation into Fatal Accident Involving RAMSI Continues

The investigation of the fatal accident, involving two off duty RAMSI officers, is still under way in the country.

The Acting Police Commissioner, Mr. Peter Marshall in a Press Conference yesterday, updated local journalists on the investigation of the crash that killed local nurse, Hilda Ilabae, 26.

Mr. Marshall said that, an expert detective from New Zealand is currently in the Solomon Islands to help with the investigations. The New Zealand expert will be working along side the Director of Public Prosecution's office and RAMSI.

Mr. Marshall emphasized, that the Wellington expert's involvement, was part of a request by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The specialist will be doing careful inspection on the crime scene for more clear evidence. "The latest investigations that were made straight after the fatal accident occurred finalized samples are yet to arrive from Australia," said Mr. Marshall.

"There is a prosecution plan and it will be handed over to the Director of Public Prosecution by next week."

With regards to the immunity for the RAMSI officers involved in the fatal accident the decision is to be made by the Solomon Island's Attorney General, "but there may not be immunity because the officers were off duty during the time of the accident."

Under the current law, members of RAMSI have immunity from criminal prosecution in the Solomon Islands.

Mr. Marshall said that there would be more information given on the investigations assisted by the New Zealand expert and decisions by the Attorney General.