Investigation into Burnt Kakabona Police Post Continues

In a Press Conference this morning, Provincial Police Commander, Chief Superintendent, George Guna revealed that the investigation into the burnt Kakabona Police Post is still underway.

"Police will not be intimidated and will not shy away from the community. Our dedicated team is working to solve this case to identify the people responsible," says Mr. Guna.

Chief Superintendent Guna stated that the police have spoken to a number of witnesses and they cannot work alone but with the community.

"The Community knows who exactly did it but are not providing any support," he continues.

"Why someone did it is not the issues, rather, who did it is the issue. If the police and the community work together, we can make our communities safer," says Chief Superintend Guna.

"Police posts built in communities belong to the communities, we rely on residents to make a safer environment," states Superintendent Guna.

The Kakabona police post was manned by 7 posts during official hours and manned by the Honiara City Police after hours. The burning of the police post is the second time this has happened. The last one happened in the 1980s.

Superintendent Guna urges anyone who has further information to come forward and help the police catch people responsible.