Increasing Manpower in Health Sector Priority: Prime Minister Sikua

Government sets priority in educating future doctors for Solomons.

Increasing manpower in the health sector is one of the main goals of the ruling government.

"Trained manpower in the health services is our top priority and for the first time, we now have 50 medical students undertaking training in Cuba to become doctors in the future," Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua said in addressing the nation during the independence celebrations last week.

He said the government hopes to send 25 more students to Cuba next year to also undergo medical trainings, which will bring the number of trained local doctors in Cuba to 75.

He thanked the Cuban people and their government for assisting the nation in raising health manpower through trainings offered.

Prime Minister Sikua said the increase in the number of trained doctors will help ease the shortage of doctors often experienced in hospitals and clinics.

The Prime Minister said his government is performing to its best in providing adequate health services throughout the country.

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