IFC Helps Solomons Improve Business Regulatory Environment

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is helping the government of the Solomon Islands plan reforms to attract investment and reduce the cost of starting a business, which could help create jobs in the country.

In cooperation with the World Bank Group's 'Doing Business Project', IFC is hosting a conference in Honiara, Solomon Islands, that will bring together senior government officials and private sector representatives. The conference, which will be held on November 24, will focus on practical ways in which the country can make it easier for businesses to start-up and operate.

"Good rules that are efficient, transparent, and accessible make it easier, especially for small and medium enterprises, to do business in a fast-changing world," said Frederic Bustelo, a co-author of the Doing Business 2009 report. "Otherwise, businesses can be trapped in the unregulated, informal economy, where they have less access to finance and hire fewer workers, and where workers lack the protection of labor law."

The conference will include a presentation on key findings of Doing Business 2009, which ranks the Solomon Islands 89 out of 181 economies on the overall ease of doing business, and 6th among 11 Pacific island economies surveyed.

The conference will also feature a presentation of IFC's planned advisory work with the government of the Solomon Islands, and a discussion with government officials and private sector representatives on opportunities for reform.

Press Release (IFC)