ICT Suppliers for Government Announced

The Permanent Secretary of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Shadrach Fanega, has announced the establishment of preferred supplier arrangements for ICT Equipment.

This is the first step in advancing the government's preferred supplier arrangements to achieve 'value for money' in government procurement.

Following a competitive tender process, four local companies have been contracted to supply ICT equipment for the whole of Government.

Mr Fanega announced that the four successful companies are Daltron (SI) Ltd, Datec (SI) Ltd, Professional Printing & Secretarial Services and Advanced Technologies.

In a recent Finance Circular, Mr Fanega advised Ministries that these are the only suppliers to supply government with desktop computers, laptop computers, photocopiers, printers, switches and other accessories that relates to the above mentioned equipment.

Mr Fanega said that the Preferred Suppliers have been appointed for period of one year and prices for goods will be determined by the whole of government agreement, rather than negotiated individually by each Ministry.

The arrangements will also be more efficient by reducing the need for Ministries to obtain quotations or running costly and time consuming tender processes for ICT Equipment, Mr Fanega said.

Mr Fanega explained that the Central Tender Board recently approved the award of the Preferred Supplier Agreements after conducting a tender that was open to all local registered ICT companies.

He said that the need for preferred supplier arrangements for ICT equipment was established when an examination of past ICT procurement demonstrated that the government was paying prices far in excess of market value and dealing with non-registered companies that offered no after sale service.

Mr Fanega advised that the Solomon Islands Government Financial Instructions 2010 require that National Preferred Supplier Arrangements are established for some of the most commonly purchased supplies procured by the government.

Mr Fanega said that the implementation of the Preferred Supplier Arrangements are a key component of the Government Procurement Reform Program and that further arrangements may be established to ensure that SIG is obtaining Value for Money in all of its purchases.

These new arrangements will mean a simpler approach to procuring ICT equipment by government, which will deliver savings in the future and ensure all Ministries, can expect consistent services and pricing.

Source: Press Release, Government Communications Unit