I Did Not Influence PEC Decision: PM Sikua

Dr Sikua says the assertions made by the TSI Executive Officer, Ellison Gauwane, are totally untrue and only shows that he is naive of the processes of government.STO Archives

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua says neither he nor his cabinet had influenced the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission's (PEC) decision to award MP's spouses, the controversial $50,000 terminal grant.

Dr Sikua says that he is empowered by the National Constitution to appoint three members of the five-member Commission, which includes the Chairman and two other members.

The Prime Minister's clarification follows statements by Transparency Solomon Islands on his possible involvement in the PEC award on the basis that he had appointed members of the commission.

Dr Sikua says that cabinet's decision for the Attorney General to seek declaration from the High Court on behalf of the government demonstrates that he had never influenced the Commission to give the award, nor did he make the submissions to increase the entitlements of MPs in the 2009 Parliamentary Entitlements Regulations.

Dr Sikua says the assertions made by the TSI Executive Officer, Ellison Gauwane, are totally untrue and only shows that he is naive of the processes of government.