Youths in communities around Honiara attended a Blue Light Disco at the Rove Police club last Friday.
The event was organized by the Community Policing Unit and Save the Children, Australia.Director of the Community Policing Unit, Inspector Edmond Tonisi, said the event was initiated last year and designed mainly for kids, "to try and improve the relationship between the youths and the police."
He explained that their main target were the rebellious youths in communities around Honiara.
"Our aim is to try and interact with them so they can be molded to become good citizens of Solomon Islands."
Mr. Tonisi also said that since a lot of youths within Honiara are involved in criminal activities, the Police are trying to talk to them to help them get out of such behavior.
He also added that the Police will deal with youths in Honiara, before moving out to the provinces.
Two youths who took part in the activity told Solomon Times that they were happy that the Police had initiated the Blue Light Disco.
"They are trying to do something good for the youths and we are happy they have involved us. Such activities will make youths feel they are part of the Community and this will make them contribute more positively to their communities rather than become involved in crimes. Such initiatives will help to reduce crimes in the country,"said Elias Banionu from Kolaridge.
"Such an occasion will encourage a lot of youths to interact with each other and have a good time. We are having fun and have made alot of new friends," said Christopher Kelionita from White River.