Honiara City Council Willing to Assist: HCC Clerk

Honiara City Clerk, Joseph Huta, says their office will respond accordingly to the Guadalcanal disaster stricken areas.

It has been reported that parts of the Guadalcanal Plains are lacking food as continued torrential rain damage gardens and surrounding areas.

Mr. Huta told Solomon Times that the City Council can only assist upon official requests received from them.

"We will be responsible to help them overcome problems faced if they submit an appeal, similar to that from Burns Creek that we received," the Honiara City Council Clerk explained.

He said that it is the responsibility of Guadalcanal Province authorities to address the matter.

Mr. Huta added that the area needs to be properly assessed.

"We will give full participation to help raise money for them like we did with the tsunami stricken provinces, which we helped raise $18,000, and we will do the same for them," Mr. Huta added.