Hundreds of excited Honiara youths, this morning, made an early start to the "International Youth Day" with a march through town, on the theme "Youth and Climate Change; Time for Action."
The event was organized Honiara City Council Youth Division along with other key stakeholders.Minister for Environment, Conservation and Meteorology, Hon. Gordon Darcy, opened the ceremony with a speech that challenged the youths of Honiara and the Solomon Islands.
"Our theme challenges us, that today is time for action. Young people today you are leaders of the next generation," says Hon. Darcy.
Hon. Darcy challenged the youths to care, talk, and know more on the effects of climate change on the Solomon Islands.
"Youths contributions to fight issues from evil to climate change are crucial. We must not wait for tomorrow to start because it might be too late," emphasized Hon. Darcy.
Hon. Darcy made calls to the youths to indoctrinate themselves with messages of environment, conservation and climate change, "transform your mindsets with strategies that will combat the challenges of climate change" says Hon. Darcy.
Quoting Mahatma Gandhi's 'you must be the change you wish to see in the world', Hon Darcy continued to state that youths must ponder on this saying and must think big and work together.
"The way forward, is for young people to have an ideal proposition on a bigger picture of climate change. The Solomon Islands government has taken initiatives to combat climate change through establishment of a new division in the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology, where it concentrates on climate change programmes," states Hon. Darcy.
The International Youth Day program then continued with various activities on modern and cultural dancing, features from local bands and drama performances. Information stalls along with food, art and face painting stalls were also available.