Hike in Fuel Prices Raise Bus Fares

As the price of fuel continues to rise, the bus industry in the Solomon Islands has decided to raise bus fares. As early as the beginning of the month of June bus fares will increase to a $5 for adults and $3 for children and students.

This has caused many parents to worry; many are not prepared to meet the rise in bus fares. "It would be $12 every morning if the bus fare increases...the expenditure would be about $50 - $60 per week, that is just too much," said Mr. Fred Tevo, who rides the bus daily with his son.

"These bus owners have the right to do this but the working poor will suffer...I have four children who are students," he said.

"It is a big problem for our country especially for struggling parents this would cause more stress and pressure," said another.

The bus association in the Solomon Islands have stated that with the rise if fuel price they are left with very little choice. "It now costs at least SBD$400 for a full tank, it is just very difficult for us as well to sustain our own operations," said Jake, a bus driver of seven years.