High Court Farewells Judge

The High Court has farewelled one of the country's expatriate Judges in a ceremonial sitting in Honiara.

Justice Sekove Naqiolevu from Fiji began his term at the High Court as a Pusine Judge in 2005, after two years as assistant Special Co-coordinator to the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.

His appointment with fellow Judge Justice Goldsborough in 2005, signaled the beginning of the focused assistance on the High Court Bench and their request on the swift disposal of what has now become known as the Ethnic Tension related cases.

Speaking at the farewell yesterday, Chief Justice, Justice Sir Albert Palmer said at the time, the number of judges had to be increased under RAMSI funding assistance to three along with an extra Commissioner of the High Court.

Justice Sir Palmer said the farewell of Justice Naqiolevu yesterday, although a sad occasion, is also a successful completion of a mission and a changing over of the guard to the country.

The Speaker of Parliament, Sir Peter Kenilorea and the Attorney General Gabriel Suri also attended the occasion.