High Court Extends Order on TV Rights

A High Court order restraining Eternity Broadcasting Network (EBN) Television and three other defendants from televising any FIFA World Cup games in South Africa has today been extended to a fifth defendant, Sol-Lanka PTY Limited.

The order against EBN, Alex Bartlett and Nihal and Loata Seneviratne restrains them and their employees from broadcasting and transmitting within Solomon Islands any match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa competition until the 31st of December this year or until further orders are being made.

High Court Judge, Justice Cameroon, after a brief hearing today, ordered that Sol Lanka PTY Limited be included as the fifth defendant in proceedings between Telekom Television Limited and Solomon Telekom Company Limited as claimants together with the four defendants named last Friday.

The High Court order restraining television broadcast of any match in the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Competition now applies to EBN Television, TBN Channel, Sol-Lanka, Satworld, Sol-Lanka Satellite Services and any other name used by or on behalf of the defendants or any of them.

It also restrains all defendants until December 31st this year from advertising or selling advertising space within the country of any match, highlight or material from the competition.

A penal notice was also issued that any breach of the orders is contempt of court which is punishable by a fine or imprisonment.