The Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood is embarking on strengthening its ties with the National Fisheries Development through health awareness talks.
Assistant Community Health Education Officer of SIPPA, Oscar Watesao, told Solomon Times that health workers in their office are now embarking on regular awareness talks to seafarers of NFD.A health talk was held outside of Honiara wharf to one of the NFD vessel, Solomon Emerald, on STI, HIV and AIDS.
Solomon Times was informed that similar arrangement was made in the past years "but due to shortage of staff, we placed the arrangement on halt".
"We want to establish on a new start to this arrangement and yesterday was our first trip out."
"The trip was made on invitation to the SIPPA board by the NFD as they recognize the high importance on good health in order to provide good service," Mr. Watesao said.
Mr. Watesao said the advocacy program will be ongoing "and this time it will work out".
"This is only the beginning and our office will organize more awareness talks for the good of our seafarers as it is important for their knowledge and health."