Heads of Missions Currently in Country

Overseas Heads of Diplomatic missions from the Solomon Islands are currently in Honiara to attend a two day consultation meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade.

Speaking during the opening of the consultation meeting on Wednesday, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, William Haomae said the consultation was aimed at providing the opportunity to revise methodologies and help to create a platform for effective planning for future objectives and targets.

"This consultation is timely as it provides to review our approaches towards our work plans and programs for the betterment of the country", said Mr Haomae.

He said that the CNURA government is keen to enhance the capacities of overseas missions and is looking to establish new missions in strategic countries and locations for effective conduct of its visions.

He also acknowledges the Heads of Missions role in promoting Solomon Islands overseas saying that their hard work and commitment to the country has gradually established professional and technical capacity to engage actively in areas such as trade and economic negotiations as well as continual consultations with overseas donor partners.