HCC Disappointed With NOCSI

The Honiara Town Council has expressed their disappointment over the National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands (NOCSI) over missing items in the Multipurpose Hall.

Deputy City Clerk, Gordon Olisukulu stated that he was informed that the removal of the items was done by NOCSI.

Upon inspection of the building, the Deputy City Clerk noticed the few missing items from the Hall.

Mr. Gordon Sukulu explained to Solomon Times that the Multi Purpose had always been the property of the Council although different companies had paid for renovations of the building.

Mr. Olisukulu continued to explain that although NOCSI had upgraded the building, it will still remain the property of the Honiara City Council to which he added NOCSI had agreed to.

"Therefore, no items should have been removed from the building although renovations had been done by NOCSI, they are the property of the Honiara City Council," he said.

Mr. Olisukulu further explained that although NOCSI claimed to own what they have replaced during the renovations, this "is not so, as according to the legal agreement."

Mr. Olisukulu stated that he has nothing against the NOCSI, and that the Honiara City Council will attend to recent renovations of the whole building.

He revealed that the Honiara City Council had never allocated budget for the renovation of the building because NOCSI was responsible for such, "but as of 2009, we will start to allocate a budget for the upgrading of the building."

Honiara City Council's priority for the Multipurpose Hall at the moment is the full renovations of the bathroom and currently they are working on the financial aspects of it.