Hard Lobbying as Deadline Nears

The deadline for the Prime Ministers' nomination lapses tomorrow afternoon, yet there are no nominations from the various camps.

Reports from the SIBC say the Heritage Park Hotel camp has splinters within the group but only within the Solomon Islands Democratic Party.

One source close to the political camp says there are some pressing issues that the camp is trying to resolve, while another source says leaders of the Solomon Islands Democratic Party held a reconciliation ceremony with its elected party members.

There are still five camps of elected members, but it appears that the camp of new but independent members 'camping' at the Mendana Hotel is currently holding the balance of power.

The MP elects include North Malaita MP Jimmy Lusibaea, West Honiara MP Namson Tran and East Honiara MP Douglas Ete.

Sources close to the camp state that there may be at least four more MP elects affiliated to the Mendana camp, although it is difficult to verify. "They have already received copies of MOU's from both the Heritage Park Hotel camp and the Honiara Hotel camp to sign," the source said.

It is not known which MOU the Mendana-based MP elects have signed.

Meanwhile, East Kwaio MP, Stanley Festus Sofu has been sighted at the Honiara Hotel.

Accompanied by his wife, Mr Sofu was given a hotel room key at the front desk of the hotel and was escorted to his room by support staff of the Independent Democratic Party camping at the Honiara Hotel.

The East Kwaio MP is a member of the Solomon Islands Democratic Party.

The deadline for Prime Ministerial nominations is 4pm this Friday.