Guadalcanal Women Elect New Office Bearers

The Guadalcanal Provincial Council of Women elected new office bearers this morning.

New office bearers are: Mary Bollen as new president, Aroma Tender as the vice-president, Flora Mekau-Lasi voted as secretary and Fay Maeni elected as treasurer.

Solomon Times was informed that the election is the first since 2003.

The election was held after a week-long workshop organized by the National Council of Women together with the Guadalcanal Provincial Women's Council [NCW] which started on Monday.

Speaking after the election, Vice President of NCW, Jenny Tuhaika, reminded new office bearers that being a leader is challenging, a role which demands responsibilities.

"There will be a lot of sacrifices required at some point and the newly elected president and her team cannot work in isolation, but need the support of all Guadalcanal women to communicate and work together in order to achieve your aims," Mrs. Tuhaika said.

Thirty-one women gathered for the election and all expressed being happy to see new leaders elected into the committee.