Guadalcanal Provincial Government to Hold Talks with Illegal Settlers

The Guadalcanal Provincial Government is embarking on a series of consultative talks with 'illegal' settlers in the province in an effort to resolve land issues facing the province and its people.

Premier Anthony Veke told SIBC News that the talks will begin as early as next week - starting with settlers of abandoned land in the Levers Plantation at Tenaru.

The consultations follows ignored calls made by the Guadalcanal Provincial Government for people to refrain from re-settling into land abandoned during the ethnic unrest.

"Some have gone in Levers plantation in Tenaru, so we are planning to go and talk with them, and to discuss the issues with them. Not only the settlers but we are planning to have a consultation with Levers, try to find out who is sending them back," Premier Veke said.

Premier Veke says the issue has caused grave concern for his government and such activities could be a threat to the peace-building process of Guadalcanal and of the country.

He says his government and people would prefer that the abandoned land remain empty until the Commission of Inquiry into land dealings on Guadalcanal completes its inquiry.

He says issues of abandoned land and land dealings in Guadalcanal are complex in nature but his government wants to resolve these matters amicably through a consultative approach.