Guadalcanal Premier Highlights Land Issues

The Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Steven Panga, has told the 4th annual premier's meeting that the control and management of land is a social concern and a challenge to his province.

Speaking on day two of the conference, Premier Steven Panga say the problem associated with illegal occupation of land has taken a new twist in regards to the Lunga/Henderson area where sporadic and uncontrolled developments by illegal occupants are becoming the order of the day.

He says interestingly, his very own people are in the thick of this activity, either selling land illegally or settling illegally, gathering with them their unfortunate victims.

He urges respective authorities to assist his province arrest this problem now rather than later.

Premier Panga told the conference that Guadalcanal Province has unique issues in relation to land, attributing this to the fact of being hosts of the capital city and some major investments.

He explained that bringing this issue before the conference was for awareness because sister provinces will be faced with the same problems and therefore worth learning from Guadalcanal.

Other premiers who did their presentations on day two include the Premier of Isabel Province, Reuben Dotho, Rennell Bellona Premier Timothy Johnston, Thomas Weape of Makira Ulawa Province and the Deputy Premier of Temotu Province, Noel Keniano.