Guadalcanal Peace and Reconciliation Committee Meets

A second meeting of the Guadalcanal Peace and Reconciliation Committee is rescheduled to kick-off early next month.

The Committee is an important body mandated to plan the reconciliation and peace process on Guadalcanal.

The Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace in partnership with the Guadalcanal Provincial Government will facilitate the meeting.

Members of the Committee comprises leaders of various community-based organizations representing chiefs, church leaders, ex-combatants, youth, women and other prominent leaders within the Province.

The Guadalcanal Province Peace Building Committee in recognition of the important roles of women in peace building has four women representatives in the Committee.

The meeting is aimed at discussing and putting together MNURP program activities for 2009 aimed at reconciling different parties affected by the recent ethnic tension on Guadalcanal.

The meeting meant prepare the province for a proposed inter-provincial reconciliation to be followed by the Government proposed National Reconciliation.

Two main agendas of discussions during the upcoming meeting will be:

(1) To plan the 2009 Intra-reconciliation programs for Guadalcanal Province.
(2) To draw up the Guadalcanal Province Reconciliations framework.

In regards to Intra-reconciliation Program for 2009, the Committee will be discussing major inter-provincial reconciliation issues.

These will include the Constituency Reconciliation programs, reconciliations between former militia groups and civilians, the Marau Island communities and Guadalcanal Provincial and Solomon Islands Government.

SOURCE: Press Release