The Solomon Islands Governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands, Denton Rarawa, has said that the country needs and deserves leaders of integrity, courage and vision.
Mr Rarawa was speaking yesterday during the launch of the 2009 Central Bank's Annual Report in Honiara.He said the journey could take Solomon Islands down a number of paths and it is up to the people to pick the right path also adding that this year is a year of choices.
Mr Rarawa said the most obvious choice ahead for the people of Solomon Islands is the choice of its elected leaders.
He said with the important choices and challenges ahead, it is vital that people select the right men and women to lead the country forward. Mr Rarawa cautions that the decision people take now will affect the route ahead and will shape the country's shared future.
Mr Rarawa said the new leaders chosen by the people must live up to expectations and repay the trust the people have placed in them. He said those elected must not fall into the traps of corruption and self service.
Mr Rarawa also stated that Central Bank is predicting a five percent growth in the economy this year.
Mr Rarawa says this prediction is based on strong growth from the country's non-logging commodity sector, the construction industry, fisheries and telecommunications.
Mr Rarawa says the medium to long term outlook is also very uncertain.
He says the logging industry for so long has supported the country's economy and is now in terminal decline and the country must now find new sources of growth.
Mr Rarawa says the country must look to the business leaders and entrepreneurs of this nation, as well as political leaders to lead the country on a new path to growth.