Governor General Sets Date for PM Election

The Governor General Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui has set December 9 for the election of the Prime Minister by virtue of section 33(1) of the Constitution.

Sir Frank today issued a notice to all Members of Parliament to convene a meeting of the Members of Parliament for the purpose of electing a Prime Minister.

Nominations for the Prime Minister opened at 8:00 am this morning and will close at 4:00pm on Friday 5th December.

A list specifying all candidates nominated and respective nominators shall be submitted by the Governor General to each Member prior to the election meeting at the close of nominations.

Under the constitution, all Members are eligible for candidature and no Member shall be a candidate unless he or she is nominated by 4 other Members and no Member may nominate more than one candidate.

In terms of withdrawals, any candidate may withdraw his candidature at any time before the conclusion of the election.

Press Release: GCU