Government to Introduce Nine Years Free Education

In his recent tour to his constituency of North - East Guadalcanal Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, revealed that his government is intending to introduce nine years of free basic formal education in 2009.

In a press statement, Dr Sikua, confirmed that the nine-year free basic formal education period will start at class one and will end at form three. The provision of free education may run into millions of dollars, but Dr Sikua said that the financial assistance towards the new education policy may be sought from donor partners.

The Prime Minister said that his government will be putting together a package for financial assistance to cover the free education policy to the Solomon Islands Government and Aid Donors Meeting in June.

Prime Minister Sikua says the new education policy will highlight the importance his government attaches in ensuring an educated society in Solomon Islands, adding it wants as many young Solomon Islanders as possible to have access to basic education.