Government Supports SINU's Tourism Institute

The SI-TIDE project is located within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) and is overseen by the EIF’s National Implementation Unit (NIU) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET). Government Communications Unit

A milestone Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by the Solomon Islands National University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade in Honiara to support tourism studies at the University.

The MOU now paved the way for a SB$747,807.00 assistance towards SINU’s Institute of Tourism and Hospitality.

The financial assistance is part of the Solomon Islands Enhanced Integrated Framework’s (EIF) Tier two project for Solomon Islands Tourism for Inclusive Development (SI-TIDE).

The SI-TIDE project is located within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) and is overseen by the EIF’s National Implementation Unit (NIU) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET).

With the signing of the MOU, the EIF through MFAET will provide funding for the Institute to implement certain activities to develop human resources for the local tourism industry.

The assistance will fund a review of tourism courses at the Institute, to collaborate with private training providers and SIG to ensure policy, funding and delivery of tertiary and work based education and training are aligned to the needs of the industry and to organize Training of Trainers Programme for the Lecturers and Tutors at the Institute.

The MOU brings another milestone for the partnership between MFAET and key development players like the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau and now the Solomon Islands National University to develop and promote the local tourism industry.

“I am confident that these funds will be used for the intended purposes to achieve the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality objectives in promoting scholarship, research, free inquiry, academic excellence, and trade competence and in this process create, disseminate, maintain, and advance knowledge and productivity by teaching, training, and other means for the welfare and needs of the communities in Solomon Islands”.

“And with that I’m very much hopeful that this small financial support will set a stepping stone to the endeavour of our country’s development by needed human resources development to exploit the tourism potential of the country ,”Mr. Ma’ahanua said.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Glynn Galo said the Institute of Tourism is very pleased to be involved in the EIF programme as this is the institute that will focus on developing expertise who will work in the local tourism industry.

The EIF is a multi-donor program, which works towards a wider goal of promoting economic growth and sustainable development and helping to lift more people out of poverty. Solomon Islands joined the EIF program in 2007.

The project is working in the areas of human resources development; policy/legislations related to tourism sector; promote Solomon Islands as a distinct visitor’s destination in the Pacific Region and strengthen the linkages of tourism sector with the auxiliary sectors like agriculture and handicraft in a way that help create additional livelihood opportunities for the people.


Source: Press Release, Government Communications Unit