Government Launch 2009 Budget

The Ministry of Planning and Aid Coordination together with the Ministry of Public Service officially launched the 2009 budget at the King Solomon Hotel.

Budget Unit Acting Director, Andrew Idute'e said that the launch yesterday of the budget is joint effort between the two government ministries.

Mr. Idute'e urged government ministries to focus on their submissions so that the process of the budget for 2009 would not be disturbed.

He stated that submission from the ministries must be in line with the current government's policies.

"The message we are trying to put across is that the budget is tight and finances are limited so ministries must prioritize their area," said Mr. Idute'e.

The 2009 budget is to be tabled by the government in mid-November this year during the next sitting of Parliament.

The launch was attended by divisional heads, chief executives from all government ministries.