Government Cuts Benefits for Political Appointees

The NCRA government has dropped certain special allowances of its political appointees.

A senior government official told SIBC News that entitlements attached to the Permanent Secretary and Directors of the government's proposed Bureau of Economic and Social Reform.

The officer made the statement following the Opposition's revelation of a 4.8 million dollar annual payment for the Bureau's 13 man team.

A press release issued by the Opposition last week listed the entitlements as including housing allowances, transport allowances, utility, medical, fuel allocations, appointment grants, education grants and clothing grants.

The officer claims most of the entitlements are no longer valid, some have been scrapped, and others have been deducted by the NCRA government.

He also said the entitlement figures supplied by the Opposition are not of the making of the current government but were created by the previous C-NURA government.

He also claims that Cabinet and Caucus are not aware of the huge salaries for the proposed Bureau.

The proposed Bureau for Economic and Social Reform is to coordinate major government projects and programs.

The Government had previously defended the Bureau saying that successive governments often fail to implement their policies and programs because there is no coordinating body to ensure line ministries are aware of their role in relation to implementing government projects.