Government Committed to Quality Education

The Solomon Islands National Government stated that it is committed to ensuring all citizens have equal access to quality education.

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) aims to achieve this commitment in its new three years National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2013-2015 document.

The document noted that education is both an individual and collective phenomenon and a human need and a development process that must be well articulated and planned so that citizens have equal access to better education.

The ruling NCRA Government like any other governments before and in the future by default inherits both the institutional commitment and responsibility to educate all its citizens as part of a commitment to lifelong learning.

Because of this reason, the Ministry has taken the arduous task to come up the new NEAP 2013-2015 – a continuation from the previous plan 2010-2012.

The new plan has a clear focus and that is to deliver better education for citizens as well as benefiting teachers.

The plan is founded on the common idea of human development for social existence and societal continuity and changes in Solomon Islands.

The document has noted that although education in Solomon Islands is a political responsibility, it is also a nationwide commitment and undertaking that involves multiple stakeholders in society such as NGOs, Churches, Private groups and donor partners.

The document highlighted that the Ministry of Education is committed to take on board any new challenges and implement the plan to promote the provision of quality education for all Solomon Islanders.


Source: Press Release, Government Communications Unit