Honiara residents are murmuring on a mysterious number dubbed the 'ghost number' with several claiming to be receiving calls from the six-digit ID.
Solomon Times was informed that the 828777 number has done several calls to mobiles and landlines.People who have received calls from the number claim they get goose bumps even before answering their phone.
Others who have tried calling the number say it gets to different locations every time the caller redials.
"Sometimes the caller reaches a family home that has babies crying in the background, the caller redials and it's a quiet setting with a girl answering," Jack Didi told Solomon Times.
What strikes as odd for the Solomon Islanders is that a six-digit ID does not sum up to the country's usual five digit numbers on both landline and mobile phones.
"This six-digit number has bothered so many residents and causing fear because not only mobile phones are tampered with but also landlines," Mr. Didi said.
He said that many come to believe this is a ghost making random calls to haunt people in Honiara.
"But then it could be faulty lines from Telekom and the workers need to do something about it," Mr. Didi said.
He said that he had tried calling the six digit number and "it is true to what I've heard, first it's a family setting with babies crying in the background, I redial straight away and reach a quiet setting with a girl answering".
A mother of two, Anne Fagono said that if this is some kind of a joke on the public "it is really silly because it's creating fear among phone users".
She said that the responsible authorities should do something about it as the so-called ghost is disturbing so many residents in the capital.
Solomon Times could not reach Our Telekom for comment.