GG Yet to Respond to Petition by Opposition

The petition sent to the Governor General by the Opposition asking that he intervenes in the current political instability and to call parliament to sit is still not clear.

The petition was lodged by the parliamentary Opposition more than a week ago, reportedly signed by 25 MP's.

One of the signatories to the petition, North Guadalcanal MP and Minister for Lands and Housing Martin Sopaghe has since re-joined the government, and sworn in again to the same ministerial portfolio, after only four days with the Opposition.

When asked if the Government House has any comments relating to the petition, the Private Secretary said the "Governor General has not indicated if he is going to comment on the issue to the media."

In the meantime, it seemed that both the government and the opposition group are still locked at 24-24.

Despite the number being locked at 24, the Opposition still has confidence and today lodged a No Confidence Motion notice on the Prime Minister, at the Parliament Speaker's office, according to the Opposition Press Secretary Deli Oso.