Frustrated Landowners Plan Road Block at Gold Ridge

Land owners of the eastern side of Guadalcanal are planning to set up a road block, frustrated with the inaction of Gold Ridge Management to look at their grievances, one of which is the removal of the current General Manager.

A land owner and former employee of Gold Ridge Mining, Mr. Robert Pepeu told Solomon Times that they are having a meeting soon to plan a date for the road block.

Mr. Pepeu stated that they are frustrated "because the management of the company is still denying the cyanide issue."

He said that the planned road block will "put some sense in these peoples mind." "We really want the management of the company to change, especially their attitude towards us."

He said that villagers will not be affected by the road blocks "the road block will only target company vehicles." Mr. Pepeu said that the road blocks will be peaceful so long as they are not forcefully removed.

The Guadalcanal Provincial Police Commander, Chief Supt. George Ghuna said that the Tetere Police is already aware of the road block.

"There were several patrol operations at the Gold Ridge area and other near by communities. However, there were no road blocks...but patrolling will continue," said Chief Supt. Ghuna.

"I wish to remind those planning the road block that such actions are illegal, and we will deal with them accordingly," Chief Supt. Ghuna said.

Management of Gold Ridge did not wish to comment on the issue.