Forum Secretariat Launches Upgraded Website

PRESS STATEMENT - Monday, 25 January 2010 - The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat this week launched its upgraded website in line with its new corporate structure and renewed regional priorities.

In launching the site, Secretary General Tuiloma Neroni Slade, said the Secretariat's website plays an important role as the public interface of the organisation and main information disseminating platform for the public affairs unit and other departments.

"The Secretariat caters to a vast range of external audiences and stakeholders in executing the work of its diverse work programmes," explained Mr Slade. "The timely and accurate dissemination of information to these stakeholders is vital to the successful implementation of our work. Our website remains a key tool in carrying out this important communication."

Mr Slade added that the Secretariat's 2008-2012 Corporate Plan, among other things, outlines a revised corporate structure for the organisation and renewed regional work priorities. With resultant changes across the Secretariat's work programmes, an exercise to restructure the website to accurately reflect these changes was required.

The new site features an updated information design, enhanced search engine, calendar of events and greater content flexibility. A refined Content Management System has been installed and further flexibility for website subscribers to sign up for news, events and employment notifications.

The upgrade was carried out by Oceanic Communications, a Fiji-based advertising, marketing and new media agency.


For more information on the website, please contact the Forum Secretariat's Communications Officer, Mue Bentley Fisher via email: or mobile: +679 9998677.