Former MP Welcomes Court Order

According to the High Court's order, Mr Usa will produce the documents on the 13th of May. STO Archives

The former member of Parliament for North-West Guadalcanal, Siriako Usa, says he welcomes the High Court's order for him to produce documents to show how he spent public funds meant for the constituency.

Siriako Usa told SIBC News that the application by members in his constituency for the order is "quite straightforward."

On Thursday last week, the High Court issued an order for Mr Usa to produce statements of accounts, financial reports and other documentary evidence to show how he administered the RCDF, Millennium funds, Micro-projects and Livelihood funds during his term as MP.

However, Mr Usa says while he respects the process of law, he also questions whether that application "was done in good faith or for personal interests seeing that the election will be held in a few months time."

"And that is why I question what the true agenda of the applicant is, whether they are truly representing the whole constituency or they are representing the few intending candidates who will contest in the coming general elections."

According to the High Court's order, Mr Usa will produce the documents on the 13th of May.