Flying Doctors End Successful Trip

A group of Flying Doctors of America have had a successful eight days providing medical work in the Solomon Islands specifically in East Malaita and at the National Referral Hospital.

Prior to leaving Honiara on last week, the President and the founder of the non-government organisation, Dr Allan Gathercoal, said that the Prime Minister Danny Philip, various government officials, the Ministry of Health, the Solomon Airlines and the people of East Malaita have all been supportive of their work.

He said the 14-members group had split into two, leaving three surgeons who dealt with ear, nose and throat surgeries at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara and the others went to East Malaita.

Dr Gathercoal said the team which went to East Malaita included pediatricians, general physicians, family practitioners and nurse practitioners and dentists had a very busy week there.

"We saw over one-thousand-400 people in our four communities, just in the medical area. And in the dental area we saw 700, and dentists extracted two-thousand decayed teeth. So it was a very busy week."

Meanwhile, one of the three surgeons who were at the National Referral Hospital, Dr Seth Rener, said they also has a eventful time at the hospital.

"The three of us did approximately 50 operations from very small ones that lasted several minutes to some that lasted six to seven hours."

The Flying Doctors of America left Honiara Friday for the United States of America via Brisbane, Australia.