First Lady Charity Receives Pink Ribbon Cheque

Yesterday, the Solomon Islands First Lady's Charity received SBD$208,300 that was raised during the Pink Ribbon Fundraising event, organized by the Participating Police Force's (PPF) Community Relations.

The official ceremony was held at the Governor General's House at West Kola Ridge in Honiara.

Chairperson of the Charity and the Patron for the Pink Ribbon, Lady Alice Waena, said that she was very grateful and feels honored to receive the funds raised by the Community Relations.

Lady Waena stated her most profound and sincere appreciation to those who helped and supported the establishment and development of the Pink Ribbon Day in Solomon Islands.

She then said that this is for the welfare of the women of Solomon Islands and it will continue to grow and flourish in the years to come.

She then stated that not all of the pacific countries organize a Pink Ribbon as a yearly event, adding that "our country is very fortunate to have the Pink Ribbon Day to show that we have concerns for women's issues and want to do something about it."

Lady Waena said that her charity will always uphold and maintain their aims and objectives of the Pink Ribbon Day adding that it is of great importance to them as women and especially to those who have breast cancer.

She also said that the charity group is very pleased to look after and manage the funds of the Pink Ribbon event.

"We will look after the Pink Ribbon Charity until it is ready to be managed on its own. It needs a proper office within the National hospital, to run and maintain its existence," concluded Lady Waena.

So far, two Pink Ribbon Fundraising Events have already been organized by the Community Relations under the supervision of PPF advisor, Mr. Shane Rice.

In an interview, Mrs. Doris Sikua also of the First Lady's Charity told Solomon Times that the Pink Ribbon 2007 raised an amount of SBD$169,000.

Madam Sikua said that their aim for raising the money is to buy a detecting machine for breast cancer. She said that with the total money raised from the first and second fund raising, they are now half way to fulfilling their aim.

She then said that when they able to get the machine, they will present it to the National Referral Hospital to protect and also allow women to check for breast cancer.