Fee Free Education Continues

The government has allocated more than SBD$66 million dollars for the Free Fee Basic Education this year.

The Financial controller of the Ministry of Education, Thomas Misibini, says Early Childhood Education budget for this year is just over 1 million dollars, Primary Education about 26.8 million and Secondary Education just over 38.8 million dollars.

Mr Misibini told the Government Communications Unit that the Ministry of Finance and Treasury hopes to release the grants to the various schools starting this week.

He also said boarding schools will initially receive their Free-Fee basic Education Grants because students will be residing at the school.

Mr Misibini says aid donor partners such as New Zealand, Republic of China and Australia are assisting the government by giving funds for this year's Free-Fee Education.

Meanwhile, Education Minister Mathew Wale says there is an increase in the Education Budget for this year due to an increase enrolment of students in schools, the inclusion of church schools under the Ministry and increase overhead expenses of urban schools.