Locals in the Solomons are blaming outside influence for rapid changes in character and respect for one another in the country, particularly among the younger generation.
While the worried elder citizens voice concerns, the younger generation think otherwise on what they describe as "the changing world".On a random street interview with youths, some say it is fun to "look like famous people in the magazine and in the movies".
"We are in the 21st century so there must be changes taking place, we can't stay in one place in this time and age," the young ones told Solomon Times.
Youths approached stated that while they still have a lot of respect for their culture, "we can't live the life of the elders because Solomon Islands has already been introduced to western lifestyle".
They said that another contributing factor to the changes in lifestyle is "from university students who go abroad and come back with new fashions and attitude".
The youths reasoned that instead of being critical, individuals should not ignore the changes but adapt and adopt them as part of advancing forward and not backwards.