EU Trade Exemptions to Solomons Due to Expire

An exemption which has allowed Solomon Islands companies to sell goods to European countries without the proper documentation will expire at the end of this month.

In order to qualify for preferential market access into the 27 European Union (EU) member states, exporters must complete a copy of an export certificate known as 'Form A'.

Since Solomon Islands firms had been unable to purchase these forms locally, the European Commission (EC), responsible for trading rules throughout the EU, granted Solomon Islands an exemption.

However, Solomon Islands Government has now secured a source of these forms from overseas, and is committed to making sure a reliable supply is available to local businesses.

As a result, the EC will not grant preferential access to goods that leave Solomon Islands after the end of March unless they are accompanied by the proper form.

By using this form, exporters from Solomon Islands can benefit from lower taxes at the European border than are charged on exports from other countries.

The same forms can also be used to gain preferential market access to Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America, under their respective GSP schemes.

Forms can be purchased from the Marketing and Export Promotion Division of the Ministry of Commerce, and related enquiries should be directed to Mr Donga, on 21207.

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