Empower Anti-corruption Agencies: Sir Peter

Former Speaker of Parliament and a long-time politician, Sir Peter Kenilorea says anti-corruption agencies need to have the necessary power to take matters to the courts.

Speaking during the launch of the Advocacy and Legal advice centre, established by transparency International through Transparency Solomon Islands, Sir Peter says the fight against corruption will not be effective "if complaints end up as only recommendations to the government."

Currently, the ombudsman office, leadership code commission and other anti corruption agencies receive complaints against corruption and compile them into recommendations to the government.

Sir Peter noted that the newly established centre will only provide legal advice to complainants who then have the option of filing their complaints to an anti-corruption agency.

Sir Peter says these agencies need to be empowered to take such matters to the courts to prosecute those involved in corrupt practices.

He says if anti-corruption agencies and bodies cannot prosecute complaints in court "people already engaged in corrupt practices will continue being corrupt."