Election Date Invalid: Government House

It says reports of August four as the election date are in breach of the relevant act and it considers the revelation as misguided and is invalid.STO Archives

Government House says the power to announce the date for the next general election rests with the Governor General and no one else under section 24 of the National Parliament electoral Provisions Act.

In a statement, Government House says it is unfortunate that the date of the national general election has been revealed prematurely by the media.

It says reports of August four as the election date are in breach of the relevant act and it considers the revelation as misguided and is invalid.

Government House says whilst it is aware of the pressure by the media and others who have interest in knowing about the election date, it is rather alarmed at the media frenzy over the election date and questions the reason for such frenzy.

But it says the Governor General only acts upon the advice of the Electoral Commission.

SIBC News had carried reports of the Prime Minister Derek Sikua announcing August four as the election date at a church gathering in his Northeast Guadalcanal constituency last weekend.

Solomon Star also quoted reports of Dr Sikua announcing the same date to a gathering of Solomon Island's students studying at a PNG institution during his visit there last week.

Government House says the law does not say the election date can be revealed in any other way or by any other means other than a proclamation by the Governor General