Senior education officials from the Pacific region are to discuss findings of the review of the Forum Basic Education Action Plan (FBEAP) and regional education processes and mechanisms in a workshop to be held in Nadi, Fiji, 17 - 19 September.
The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat is coordinating the workshop.At their meeting in November 2007, Education Ministers instructed the Forum Secretariat to undertake a review of the FBEAP. Ministers also requested the Forum Secretariat to seek further funding to continue PRIDE, (Pacific Regional Initiatives in Basic Education) which is the main vehicle for the implementation of the Plan as the funding cycle for the project ends at the end of 2009.
"The Forum Secretariat contracted a team of independent consultants to undertake the review, part of which is to assess the impact of PRIDE. The review also critically assesses the ministerial meeting process and addresses harmonisation of regional support for education in the Pacific," says Peter Forau, Acting Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat.
"The review team has visited all 14 Forum Island Countries (FICs) and has held discussions with Tokelau, which is also part of the review. The Workshop this week brings together senior education officials from the region to verify the findings of the study so far; to discuss a way forward for regional education projects; to discuss how the ministerial meeting process can be improved among other issues," says Mr Forau.
In 2001, Forum Education Ministers met for the first time and endorsed the Forum Basic Education Action Plan (FBEAP). Education Ministers have subsequently met five further times and have added to the Action Plan. PRIDE is implemented by the University of the South Pacific with funding from the European Union and New Zealand under its international aid agency, NZAID.