Education a Priority for Choiseul Province

Nukiki Primary School in South Choiseul witnessed a successful hand over of a new class room block project under the funding of the European Union's Micro Project Phase II.

Speaking at last Thursday's hand over, Chief Education Officer for Choiseul Province, Abel Kiloe, said the official hand over of the classroom shows another success of partnership in school-community and project assisted development initiative.

"The successful completion of this project is an example of fruitful partnership in development and development in education in particular."

He added that no schools around Choiseul will survive without the support of a community, in the same way no community in this modern technocratic world will survive without schools.

"Even under the current free basic education policy implemented by the current national government schools will still need support and contributions from parents and the communities," he said.

The CEO urged the community of Nukiki to take good care of the school building so that their children may enjoy themselves in learning and getting something worthwhile for their hard work.

He said the success of the school building shows that communities around Choiseul now recognize the value of formal education and its contributions.

Mr. Kiloe encouraged students of Nukiki primary school to be "intrinsically motivated" and embrace education as a way forward in enriching young people so that they become useful citizens and valuable to their community, the province and the nation as whole.

He assured those present at the ceremony that Choiseul Provincial Education Office will continue to work alongside the Ministry of Education, provincial government, developing partners, communities, school communities, teachers and parents to ensure that all children in the province receive the best education available so that they become successful in their lives and contribute fruitfully in their communities.