The voter registration period of extension lapsed on the 12th April 2010 and the Electoral Commission is now in the second stage of voter registration.
The Commission is currently in the process of producing the draft voters' lists.Electoral Commission acknowledges all the provinces for their hard work and
cooperation in sending in the completed registration forms (Form Bs) and old 2006 amended voters' lists (Form C).
Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Polycarp Haununu, said that the data entry team is currently working hard to produce the draft voters' lists to be posted out whenever they are ready.
According to the Electoral Commission data entry team, 70 % of the provinces' draft voters' lists are now completed and currently the team is working on the remaining provinces.
People from Central and Renbel provinces should expect to see the draft voters' lists published in their wards at the end of next week.
All provinces should expect to see draft voters' lists in every ward of all the constituencies before 26th April 2010.
Mr Haununu said, that the Electoral Commission will inform the public on the dates that the draft voters' list will published in every ward in the constituencies for each of the provinces.
"Therefore it is very important that every person must listen to the radio and other media outlets for more updated information concerning these dates so that people will know when to check their names on the draft list."
"It is also very important that people must check their names on the draft voter list because that is the only chance they have to get their names back on the voters' list if their names are missing or not on the list", Mr Haununu said.
"Also, at the same time, people should also check for any name on the list that should not be on the list, for example , People who have died or moved away and inform the registration officer in their area so that these names can be removed from the list."
Solomon Islanders are expected to look out for the draft voters' list and make sure to check it. This will help the Electoral Commission make a better voters' list to ensure that every eligible voter gets the chance to cast a vote in the up coming national election in a free and fair manner.
Source: Solomon Islands Electoral Commission