Development Budget Seen as Under Spent

As revealed by the Ministry of Finance, the Solomon Islands development budget has shown significant under spending as of June 2011.

The Government spending for development projects was just over 94 million dollars against a budget allocation of about 498 million dollars.

However, according to past history, the Development Budget is always under spent by the middle of the year. It was revealed that it will pick up by the second half of the year.

Some of the major projects implemented during the period were the Rural Livelihood, 22 million dollars; Taiwan support, about 21 million dollars; the Solomon Islands Chancellery in Canberra, 14-point-five million dollars and government advance payment of Rural Constituency Development Fund, more than 15 million dollars. Provincial Airfields Navigational Equipment accounted for more than eight million dollars, improvement of Water Supply in Honiara and Auki more than five million, and about five million dollars for Provincial Capacity Development Fund.