Current Weather Due to a Trough of Low Pressure

The current weather situation experienced by the country is due to a trough, a low pressure extending southeast from the Western Solomon Islands to a depression over the North Tasman Sea in Australia.

Speaking to SIBC News, Director of the Meteorological Service, David Hiriasia, says another depression is also expected to form between Vanuatu and New Caledonia later this week.

He says the depression expected later this week is likely to form another trough across the country.

The Meteorology Director says although both depressions are quite far from the country, the associated troughs are likely to influence the weather this week and probably into the first few days of next week.

Mr Hiriasia says Rennell-Bellona, South Makira, Guadalcanal and Temotu Provinces should expect cloudy periods, scattered showers and heavy rain in the next few weeks.

He says the travelling public and mariners must take precautionary measures and to listen to SIBC for further advice.