Much to the frustration of many people, the counterfeit notes are circulating the country, yet again.
The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) is warning the public to look out for fake $100 bills.CBSI's Currency Unit Supervisor, Enoch Ilisia stated that the bank was alerted by a former Central Bank officer who saw the counterfeit $100 note in one of the shops opposite of the main market.
The counterfeit note was believed to have originated from one of the Central Market's lock-up shops.
Usually targeted are the innocent night service providers like the market vendors, public transports and the night shops.
This has been the sixty-third incident of counterfeiting in the Solomon Islands.
The first counterfeit notes were $50 notes which surfaced in Honiara in 1994.
The CBSI bank has advised people to be more aware when they are presented with $100 notes.