The Solomon Islands Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services say it will look at reviewing the Correctional Services Act that governs appointments of members to the parole board.
Permanent Secretary Jeffery Kauha says the ministry is undertaking two major policy and legislative reviews which include the 1972 Police Act and the Correctional Services Act, which are likely to roll into next year.Mr Kauha says that following Cabinet's approval, a discussion paper has been launched to commence the review of the Police Act.
The new Bill is expected to be tabled in parliament by 2013 after a nation-wide consultation on the kind of police force people want.
The ministry has been bombarded with questions relating to the selection and credibility of parole board members and the eligibility of the early release of prisoners on parole earlier this year.
The Permanent Secretary says, because of the issues surrounding the appointments and applications to the parole board, the ministry will also review the Correctional Services Act with the aim of strengthening the processes involved.
The Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services was giving an update progress of its work and budget spending before the Public Accounts Committee this week.